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Friends & Benefactors

You can help support the work and music of the Exon Singers by becoming a Friend or Benefactor.

Privileges for Friends and Benefactors include:

  • Invitations to exclusive events

  • Acknowledgements in all concert and festival programmes

  • Advance notice of concerts, new CD releases and the Exon Singers Festival

  • Reserved seating

  • Discounts on CDs




Individual yearly membership: £25

Couple yearly membership: £40



Individual or joint yearly membership: £100 or more

To become a Friend or a Benefactor of The Exon Singers, please complete the application form below and send it to:

The Secretary of
The Exon Singers
6 Ashlake Road
SW16 2BB

If you would find it easier to pay by yearly standing order, please send an email to the Treasurer ( to request the standing order mandate. Thank you.


Mrs J Brodley
Ms M Huxtable

Honorary Life Friends

Commander J D Davies
Mrs H Hazlewood
Mrs P Lunt
Mrs L Morris
The Revd Canon J Pedlar
The Ven. & Mrs J E F Rawlings
Mrs P Richards


Mr & Mrs D Anthony
Mrs E Bailey
Mrs E M Bennallack
Miss R Bilverstone
Mr D A E Crocker
Mr & Mrs S Davies

Mrs S Dickinson
Mrs S Denne
Mrs B Dunk
Mr & Mrs P Evans
Mrs C Everitt
Col. & Mrs D Farrant
Dr & Mrs P Fox
Mrs A Gibbs
Mrs G Hale
Mrs J Hannaford Hirst
Mr & Mrs I Jenkins
Ms A Leader
Mr & Mrs D Leonard-Williams
Ms M Leth
Rev & Mrs M Loader
Mrs F Luckman
Mrs J Mayers

Mrs E Maslen

Ms I Monk
Mr & Mrs Palmer

Mr R Pascoe
Mrs V Persse
Dr & Mrs W J Rea
Mr & Mrs C Reeves
Mrs S Rose
Ms A Ruddock
Miss A Smith
Mrs L Spear
Ms S Steer
Dr S & Dr C Sweeney

Capt. G F & Mrs P A Taylor
Mr A R & Mrs I Vigars
Mr D Voller
Miss E Watkins
Dr A Watt
Mr & Mrs G Whalley
Ms J Whitehead
Mr & Mrs D G Williams
Ms M Wills

Mr D G & Mrs R M Wixon
Mr A Wynn-Jones

© 2024 by The Exon Singers.

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